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信仰に生きる 040


溝口 正

Save all by grace, cast none out

〖 恵みによって救う、一人も捨てない 〗


Original title: Saved by the Grace of God Alone

関連リンク Related Links

信仰論 内村鑑三信仰と救いのコペルニクス的転回 / The Copernican turn of Faith and Salvation


​​English translation is posted at the bottom of the page.

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宗教改革者ルターの信仰義認論 しんこうぎにんろん》- 人の義とされるのは信仰のみによる- は、無教会を含む全プロテスタントの根幹とされる伝統的な教えの一つである






悩みに悩んだ挙句(あげく)、私の到達した結論は「〔人は〕神の恩恵のみによって救われる」(=恩寵義認 おんちょうぎにん)ということであった。


かえりみてお前自身の信仰はどうかと問われるなら、「信じます。信仰なき我(われ)を救いたまえ」(マルコ福音書 9章24節)と叫ばざるを得ない〝あるか、なしか〟の信仰である。









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(出典溝口 正主筆『復活』458号、2005年3月。 「浜松聖書集会案内」2023年9月より転載。下線および( )、〔 〕、《 》内は補足・敷衍)

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English translation

Save all by grace, cast none out

Original title: Saved by the Grace of God Alone

By Tadashi Mizoguchi

From my experience of having spent the majority of my 30 years as a teacher working with visually impaired and multi-faceted children (with intellectual and developmental disabilities), I have learned that they are unable to believe through reason or spirituality in the same way that able-bodied people can.

[The Reformer Luther's doctrine of justification by faith - that a person is justified by faith alone - is one of the traditional doctrines that are the foundation of all Protestants, including the Non-Church Movement.]

Even when it is said that "a man is justified by faith alone," they are completely unable to understand the words or their meaning.

If we say that "a person is justified (i.e. saved) by faith," then those who, due to severe developmental disabilities, do not even understand the meaning of believing, would not be saved.

It was because of this issue that I began to have serious doubts about "faith alone" (justification by faith).
I am convinced that God would first save those who bear the cross of their brains, minds, and bodies, such as people with multiple disabilities.


After much agonizing, I finally came to the conclusion that "people are saved by God's grace alone" (justification by grace).

In "the last days" those who are most burdened on earth will be the first to be invited into God's Kingdom.

When I look at myself and am asked about my own faith, I would be forced to cry out, "I believe; save me, my unbelievers" (Mark 9:24). It is a faith that is either there or not.

The only thing I can say is that just after Japan was defeated in the Asia-Pacific War, I was devastated and looked into the abyss of death when Jesus the Savior appeared to me and bestowed upon me these words of unilateral grace: "My son, take heart. Your Sin is forgiven."
This was a decisive event in my life.]

God's grace is absolute.

If people with severe and multiple disabilities have been saved not by faith but by God's unilateral grace alone, then I am grateful from the bottom of my heart that I have been saved by the exact same grace as they have.


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