― まごころで聖書を読む。そして、混迷の時代を神への信頼と希望をもって、力強く前進する ―
We read the Bible with all our hearts. And we move forward powerfully in this era of turmoil with trust and hope in God.
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〔「わたしはあなたがたの年老いるまで変らず、白髪となるまで、あなたがたを持ち運ぶ。 わたしは〔あなたがたを〕造ったゆえ、必ず〔背〕負い、持ち運び、かつ救う。」(イザヤ書 46章4節 口語訳)〕
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行くえも知らず、模索の歩みを続ける途上において、心の中に渦巻いた声なき呻(うめ)きも、神はしっかと受け止めて、すべてを善(よ)き方へと 、導いて下さったのである。
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(出典:『高橋三郎著作集 最終巻』教文館、2012年、712~713項、初出:高橋三郎主筆『十字架の言』2001年2月号。下線および( )、〔 〕、《 》内は補足・敷衍)
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英 訳
English translation
Prayers Are Heard by God
By Saburo Takahashi
[ Even to your old age I am he, even when you turn gray I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save. ]
(Isaiah 46:4 NRSV)
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It was the spring of 1938.
I had been accepted into First High School (under the old system), and before leaving my alma mater, Himeji Junior High School (under the old system), I wrote several postcards to express my gratitude to the teachers who had looked after me for the guidance they had given me. I still remember in them that I expressed my aspiration to become a real person through my new high school life.
However, I was not clearly aware of what it meant to become a real human being, and, with a premonition in my heart, I set out on a journey of groping in the dark.
But this journey of searching ended in a tragic failure, and I finally sank to the point of hovering between life and death. But then, through the Lord's immeasurable mercy, not only was I restored to life in the midst of death, but I was also called to be a "son of God," had all my sins forgiven, and was able to live in the hope of the "resurrection."
And now, when I look back to when I entered First Higher School 62 years ago, I realize that the vague aspirations I harbored at the time have since been realized through an unexpected path, and I am filled with inexpressible gratitude.
I was struck by the surprise of discovering that this was in fact the goal of my life's exploration that I had envisioned in my mind back then when I said that I wanted to become a real human being. At the same time, I felt a deep sense that the ambition of my youth was itself an invisible gift from God.
Paul wrote in Philippians 2:13, "It is God who works in you, both to will and to accomplish his good will" (1954 Revised Translation), and this is exactly what has happened to me.
In those days of my youth, I did not yet know God, and had no desire to seek him, but God had already extended his hand of choice, awakened in me aspirations, and led me to the realization of each one.
As I continued to walk my way, not knowing where I was going, God heard the silent moans that swirled in my heart and guided everything in a good direction.
When I realize that the aspiration that initiated that quest, and who I am today, are all completely enveloped in the vast arms of salvation, I am deeply touched by the weight of the fact that prayers offered to an invisible God are always answered.
God is our Father who has carried our entire existence since the moment we were born and will continue to carry it all the way to the final goal.
Herein lies the basis for the certainty that prayers are always answered, and this is none other than the true certainty of God the Father.
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