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現代の預言 004



Advent Congratulations



 Hope for a New Future

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讃美歌21 236番Promusica見張りの人よ / Watchman, tell us of the night

讃美歌276番サンライズミニストリ光とやみとの / Once to every man and  nation



With the permission of Dr. Mitsuo Miyata (Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University, Department of European Intellectual History), I have reproduced the Advent congratulatory message that he addressed to the members of the Miyata Bible Study Group below.

An English translation has been added to the text of the congratulatory message and notes.

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(イザヤ書 21:11b~12)







なぜなら、(おさ)めていたもう方がおられるのだから。-モスクワ(ロシア)やワシントン(米国)や北京(中国)だけではない。全世界を、まったく上から! 天から、治めていたもう方がおられる。










2023年 アドヴェントに

( )、〔 〕内および下線、下記の注1、2は、サイト主宰者による敷衍、補足。

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English translation

Merry Christmas

Sentinel, what of the night?
 Sentinel, what of the night?”

   The sentinel says:
“Morning comes, and also the night.

(Isaiah 21:11b~12)

As we approach Advent, the above scripture resonates with me.

The 21st century will become an era reminiscent of the return of the Cold War, with the Ukraine war exposing a serious conflict between the autocratic totalitarian camp and the liberal camp. This was unexpected (Note 1).

Now, I am once again reminded of the final words of Karl Barth's life, uttered at the depths of the Cold War.

[He said: ]
No matter how dark the times, let's never get discouraged! 

Because there is the One who rules. -It's not just Moscow (Russia), Washington (USA) or Beijing (China). The whole world, from above! There is the One who rules from heaven. 

A God [of righteousness and love] rules [the whole world]. That's why I don't fear [the dangers and difficulties of the times]. Even in the darkest of times, let us remain confident in God's sovereignty!

Let's not lose hope. Hope for everyone and the whole world!

God will [never] leave us to perish. [God] will not let any of us perish! ” (Kupisch “Karl Barth”, note 2). 

Isn't this "fundamental trust" [in God and His works] the source of hope as we live toward a new future?

This fall, I gave a lecture on "A Journey to Encounter Bonhoeffer" for the relaunch of Sendai Christian Bookstore. A new translation of his masterpiece "Ethics" is expected to be published next spring.

As super elderly people, we are both relatively healthy and allowed to live our daily lives in the same way.

We hope to see you again next year.

2023 Advent
Mitsuo Miyata/Michiko

( ), [ ], underlining, and notes 1 and 2 below are elaborations and supplements by the site owner.

♢ ♢ ♢ ♢

注1 冷戦
熱い戦争(hot war)に対して、相容(い)れない体制・国家の間の対立から生まれた国際緊張状態を〈冷たい戦争(cold war)〉と呼ぶ。


(注1の参考文献:『世界史用語集 改訂版』山川出版社、2022年、321項)

Note 1 The Cold War

In contrast to "hot war", which involves the use of weapons, a state of international tension that arises from conflicts between incompatible systems and nations is called "cold war".  

The "East-West Cold War" was a conflict between the socialist camp (east) and the liberal camp (west), centered on the United States and the Soviet Union, due to severe tensions that did not lead to direct war. It lasted from the end of World War II until the Malta Conference in 1989.

After World War II, the East-West conflict intensified due to the United States' policy of containing the Soviet Union, which gained military superiority through nuclear weapons, the Soviet Union's nuclear development, and the expansion of socialist blocs in Eastern Europe and Asia. Later, at the Malta Conference, the US and Soviet leaders declared the end of the Cold War.


注2 バルトの言葉の歴史的背景、預言者的アクチュアリティー

Note 2 Historical background and prophetic actuality of Barth's words


バルト 1886-1968。スイスの世界的プロテスタント神学者。





 Karl Barth

Barth 1886-1968. A world-renowned Swiss Protestant theologian.

His major works include Romans, Church Doctrine, and others.


He is also known as a central leader of the Confessing Church movement that fought against Hitler's rule in Nazi Germany and as the author of the Barmen Declaration.

Barth's theology is called "theology of the word of God", and it is said that he tried to eliminate humanistic elements from theology and base theology purely on the word of God.

(Keiji Kasai, “The Shapers of 20th Century Theology”, Shinkyo Publishing)

⑵ バルトの言葉が語られた時代














⑵ The era in which Barth's words were spoken

The words Barth quoted in the congratulatory address were spoken to Turneisen in the year that Barth passed away. 

This time is described in Mitsuo Miyata's "Karl Barth" (Iwanami Shoten).

On December 9, 1968, the year [the Soviet Union intervened militarily in Czechoslovakia], the night before Barth died, Turneisen, a friend of 60 years, called him.

They discussed with each other the state of the world, its darkening dangers and difficulties.


Finally, Barth broke off the conversation and encouraged Turneisen in response to the concerns expressed: No matter how dark the moment...” (page 234).

The world situation at the time is described in history textbooks as follows:

In 1968, in Czechoslovakia, then a member of the socialist camp, the reformist Dubček became first secretary of the Communist Party.

He advocated "socialism with a human face" and promoted de-Stalinization, democratization, and liberalization (Prague Spring).  

However, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Brezhnev advocated the theory of limited sovereignty, which states that a country's sovereignty should be limited for the benefit of the socialist camp as a whole(Brezhnev Doctrine), and sent Warsaw Organization forces to occupy all of Czechoslovakia(Czech Republic Incident).

As a result, Dobczek and other Czech leaders were taken to the Soviet Union and later dismissed.

The people waged nonviolent civil resistance against the Soviet Union, but in the end they succumbed, and the democratization and liberalization movements were frustrated.

⑶ チェコの非暴力市民抵抗














⑶ Czech nonviolent civil resistance

On the other hand, Dr. Mitsuo Miyata focuses on the important significance of Czech nonviolent civil resistance and writes:

During this period, the Czech people set an exemplary example of nonviolent civil resistance against the invading armies of five Eastern European countries.

It began with young people sitting in front of tanks and talking with invading soldiers, and continued for a long time in various forms, including defacing and erasing street signs, distributing pamphlets, and making appeals on underground broadcasts.


The Czech people complained that the invading soldiers were being misused as a counter-revolutionary tool and were destroying the friendship between the Soviet and Czech peoples.

The morale of the occupation forces that entered the city was quickly destroyed, and they had to be replaced. ...

Certainly, Czech civil resistance was replaced by the implementation policies of the pro-Soviet Husak regime that emerged in April of the following year.

However, because of this, it cannot be said that civil resistance was ultimately powerless.

Even after the invasion of five countries' armies, the Dubček government was maintained for eight months with the unanimous support of the Czech people. It was an important political achievement that would not have been possible if, for example, military resistance had been carried out.

Ten years later, the energy of underground resistance was not eradicated, as shown by the actions of the Czech intellectuals of Charter 77 (January 1977) who protested against the oppression of human rights under the Husak regime...” ("Karl Barth" pages 241-242).

⑷ バルトの言葉の預言者的アクチュアリティ(真実性、現実性)






Prophetic actuality (truthfulness, reality) of Barth's words

In 1989, about 20 years after Barth's words, the Berlin Wall fell, and in December of the same year, Dubček returned to politics in Czechoslovakia and became the president of the Bundestag. Also, Havel, who was also the drafter of Charter 77, was appointed as the new president.

Meanwhile, in 1991, the Soviet Union disbanded, and in July of the same year, the Warsaw Pact was dissolved with the addition of the Eastern European Revolution. Both disappeared from the stage of history.

Looking back on the history described above, Barth's words quoted in the congratulatory address have a prophetic reality (truthfulness and reality) that illuminates the current international situation and those of us living in it. you could say (pay attention to the place names!).

(注2の参考文献:木村靖二ら編『詳説 世界史研究』山川出版社、2017年、『世界史用語集 改訂版』山川出版社、2022年、宮田光雄著『カール・バルト』岩波書店、2015年、笠井恵二著『20世紀神学の形成者たち』新教出版社、1993年。( )、〔 〕内、下線は敷衍・補足)



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